Friday, September 26, 2008

Let the countdown begin...

So 365 days from today Mike and I will be getting married! So far we have found a place for the wedding and the reception. I have also gotten a few ideas posted on Even though we are going to be getting married in Idaho we will be having a open house/reception in Muncie a couple weeks after the wedding. Though it is still a year away it is never to early to start. (Now if only I could drop some lbs so that when I got dress shopping its and enjoyable experience instead of a depressing one!)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

House guest...

So as some of you know (from previous blog) I have a new little house guest staying with me for a while. He weighs about 3lbs, furry as can be and is hell on wheels! Even though I love my little Marley sooo much, I do know now why I only have one dog! (my sweet Mohgley!) Now Mohgley himself is defiantly no angel but compared to Evil Knievel (aka Marley) Mohgley is a saint! But Marley is still puppy and not quite house trained yet, so hopefully with time the little hellion will mellow out. I really cant be too mad with the little guy, I think he is a little confused since he isn't at his own house with his mom and dad. (Cindy/Monty) He doesn't really now what to do or think. (I also think he is acting out a little because his mom and dad are gone.) But on the other hand it is good for Mohgley because they play so hard that when bed time comes they are both so tired they sleep all night long.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Never thought

So I never thought in a million years Mike would be in Idaho with out me! (Even though it is for unfortunate circumstances) I never thought I would be here and he would be there. Sure maybe I would go there by myself to see my fam or something but never thought it would be the other way around! I wish I could be there for him and his fam but work awaits me :( and so I sit here and blog.....wa wa wa.... Mike will be back Sunday and even though he has only been gone for what... 4 hours... I miss him. But on the other hand I do get to have Marley (Mohgley's little brother) come stay with me while they are all in Idaho...without me... :(

Monday, September 8, 2008

Wedding date

Well another reason why I decided to start a blog was so I could keep all of my family and friends in Idaho updated on the wedding plans. Well as most of you all know Mike asked the big question May 16 2008 and we have now set a date for the wedding, September 26 2009! The wedding will of course be in Idaho. But we will be having a little ceremony/reception her in Muncie for all of the fam and friends who wont be able to head out there for the "real" wedding.

So over the weekend I was kind of hit with a major wedding bug. First we attended a friend of Mike's reception then on Sunday we went to a 50th wedding anniversary for Mike's great aunt and uncle. (Max and Marianna) And a funny thing I learned is that their wedding date was September 26 1958! I thought that it was such a strange coincidence! So we will now have the same anniversary date as them! But I also took that as a very good sign! I was kind of wanting to push the date up a couple of weeks but then it was going to cause scheduling problems with Mikes school so we settled on the 26th and I'm sure glad we did! Max and Marianna have been married for 50 years and they seem as happy as ever! That only makes me want to get married even sooner so that Mike and I can one day celebrate our 50th!